GQ - Август 2011 - pg. 104-111
Древние римляне

Когда-то эти семьи правили миром.Они покровительствовали великим архитекторам и художникам Ренессанса.Их имена-география Рима.Николай Усков выяснил,как живут потомки Римских Пап и Кардиналов сегодня.Ради этого ему пришлось проникнуть за закрытые двери частных вилл и палаццо. Всякий,кто прошел Рим пешком ,знает эту нестерпимую боль в ногах.Рим-это большая,тяжелая гиря,которая немилосердно тянет нас назад в омут прошлого.И мы безропотно тянемся.

Io Donna - Corriere della Sera - settembre 2010 - pg. 113-117

Un palazzo salentino che guarda una piazza d'incanto.
Dove rincorrere un ideale di comfort moderno era superfluo.
Qui non manca niente.

Salon - 10/2009 - pg. 2-9
Стефано Алуффи–Пентини

Граф Стефано Алуффи–Пентини происходит из старинной аристократической семьи. Его римская квартира расположена на via Polveriera, всего в десяти минутах ходьбы от Колизея и в пяти минутах от собора Санта–Мария Маджоре.

Pubblicita' Italia Lifestyle - Giugno 2009

Ammirare i tesori nascosti dietro le porte solitamente chiuse delle dimore storiche più affascinanti d’Italia e d’Europa, antiche residenze nobiliari private e inaccessibili ai più; scoprire il fascino rimasto intatto nel corso dei secoli di palazzi, regge e ville progettate dagli architetti che hanno dato lustro alla nostra storia dell’arte, personaggi come Raffaello, il Palladio o Bernini: sono queste le ultime frontiere in fatto di turismo d'élite.

Il Venerdi' di Repubblica - 8 maggio 2009 - pag. 109

"In Europa non conosco salotti migliori di quelli di Roma", scriveva nel 1827 Stendhal. Salotti privati naturalmente. Gli stessi che oggi apre solo per viaggiatori ricchi, colti e viziati, Stefano Aluffi Pentini, fondatore di "A Private View of Italy", che, da dieci anni, organizza viaggi molto esclusivi nelle dimore storiche (private) di tutta Italia, dal Veneto alla Sicilia.

Gentleman - maggio 2008 - pg. 217-220

L'Italia è uno scrigno ricco di tesori nascosti.
Palazzi, regge, giardini e panorami mozzafiato diventano tappe di tour
personalizzati ed esclusivi.
Li organizza A private view of Italy, società che offre solo l'eccellenza


GQ - АВГУСТ 2007 - pg. 107

Когда президент Буш приезжает в Италию, члены его семьи обрaшaются к грaфy


Freizeit - 23 juni 2007 - pg. 66

Ein Conte besitzt den Schlüssel für Reisende mit Kunstsinn. Und öffnet damit Italiens Paläste ganz privat. Nicht nur Madonna reist so zu den geheimen kunsthistorischen Schätzen von Prinzessinnen und Prinzen.


Forbes Style - лето 2007 - pg. 73-77

Италъянские аристократы не сидят без дела. Сегодня они превратились в лучших турагентов, которые зовут вас в мир дворцов и вековой роскоши


House & Garden - April 2007 - pg. 80

For exclusive trips to Rome (or anywhere else in Italy), contact Stefano Aluffi Pentini at A Private View of Italy.
011-39-06-474-1985. - March 2007

With a wealth of history stretching back to the 8th century B.C., Rome is filled with cavernous catacombs, stunning ancient architecture and exceptional palazzi, handed down through generations along patrician bloodlines. As a native Roman - tracing his noble heritage as far back as the early 14th century - the art historian Count Stefano Aluffi-Pentini and his learned team offer an unrivalled knowledge of the city, which they are more than willing to share.


Mini International - #21 - Rome, Eternal Youth - pg. 42-44

The city is full of private palaces, gardens and galleries that remain hidden from the general public.
Only one man can open the doors to visitors. The attraction of Rome consists largely in the fact that much of it remains a secret. The heavenly scent of jasmine bushes hidden behind a high stone wall, the splashing of a fountain glimpsed behind wrought-iron railings. Rome is a world that has existed for centuries and, after you have chanced to stroll through, will live on for a long time to come. In the 18th century, before setting off on the Grand Tour, the nobility of Europe obtained letters of recommendation in order to secure admission to some of these many villas and palaces, which to this day have remained in the same private hands....(by Elizabeth Helman Minchilli - Photographs by Davide Monteleone)


Town & Country Travel - Spring 2006 - pg. 82-96

There's the public Rome, of monuments, piazzas and antiquities; then there are the city's palazzos, which reveal a hidden world of splendor and opulence.
During the 18th century, men and women of noble rank taking the grand tour used letters of introduction to gain entrance to Rome's villas and palaces, which held some of the world's great art collections. Today, although many of the private works have been moved to museums, a surprisingly large number of masterpieces remain tantalizingly behind the gates of residential palazzos. There is, however, one way for travelers to see them: with Count Stefano Aluffi-Pentini, whose company, A private view of Italy, makes such sites available, pulling strings to reveal Rome's most elusive treasures. ... (by Elizabeth Helman Minchilli - Photographs by Francesco Lagnese) 


L'Object d'Art - 410 - Février 2006 - pg. 70-77

Le palais Colonna, à Rome, abrite l'une des plus riches collections italiennes d'oeuvres d'art encore en mains privées.Transformé au XVII siècle et au début du XVIII, il présente un décor baroque d'une grande richesse et une superbe ensemble de toiles rassemblées par la famille Colonna sur plusieurs générations. Les noms de Dughet, Reni, Carrache, Lorrain, Véronèse ou Guerchin s'y rencontrent au fils des quelques salles ouvertes à la visite, dont la Galleria forme le Coeur. .....
.....La société A Private View of Italy propose également la découverte des intérieures de prestigieux palais italiens.


Ventiquattro - Il Sole 24 Ore - 3 dicembre 2005 - pg. 135

Che cosa hanno in comune George W.Bush, Mr. e Mrs Richie, alias Madonna e il marito Guy, centinaia di Ceo internazionali e  i vertici di alcuni dei musei più prestigiosi al mondo?
Una sana passione per l'Italia, ma anche il nome e l'indirizzo di un intraprendente giovanotto romano: lo storico dell'arte Stefano Aluffi Pentini. Da dieci anni la sua società, A Private View of Italy. Organizza decine di viaggi ed eventi ogni anno per i potenti della terra. Desiderosi di cultura e. perché no, di immergersi nelle atmosfere dei palazzi, delle ville e dei più bei giardini privati d'Italia. Piuttosto conosciuto all'estero, Aluffi Pentini mantiene un low profile in patria..... (di Marella Caracciolo - Illustrazione di Pierluigi Longo)


Islands - April/May - pg. 66-75

There's a secret side to Sicily. It has nothing to do with the Mafia and everything to do with the hidden world of aristocracy. Today barons and baronesses are opening up the doors to their places; you can stay with them, if you have the right key.
..In addition to these well-known landmarks, there is "another side to Sicily", explains my friend Stefano Aluffi. "If you have the right key, Sicilians will open their doors to you with a level of hospitality that is truly extraordinary. Aluffi should know since his agency, A Private View of Italy, is one way to gain access to private palaces and villas in Sicily..... (by Elizabeth Helman Minchilli - Phographs by Andrea Pistolesi)


House & Garden - British Edition - February 2005
pg. 114-119


From his art-filled apartment inside the walls of Imperial Rome, a bookish Italian prepares bespoke cultural itineraries through Italy for twenty-first-century grand tourists.
In the eighteen century, any Englishman with pretensions to a rounded education undertook a grand tour of the Continent. Letters of introduction in hand, he would be received in the palaces and salons of Europe, viewing private antiquities, leafing through sheaves of drawings and prints, bringing home with him an inestimable trove of experience - not to mention treasures. "What I try to re-create is the experience of the grand tour", says Stefano Aluffi-Pentini, as we sit in the salon of his apartment in Rome, a stone's throw from the Forum..... (by Elizabeth Helman Minchilli - Photographs by Simon Upton)


D Casa - La Repubblica - ottobre 2004 - pg. 61

...Altro nome cruciale in questo Grand Tour e' quello dello storico dell'arte Stefano Aluffi Pentini, fondatore della società A private View of Italy, che ha sede a Roma. E' possible per colti turisti stranieri, compiere itinerari in Italia visitando residenze e giardini. I clienti sono soprattutto benefattori di fondazioni o musei stranieri come il Philadelphia Museum of Art di Filadelfia, la Frick Collection di New York, l'Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum di Boston, il Wihtney Museum di New York. Tra le residenze romane che li ricevono in forma privata vi sono Palazzo Colonna, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Palazzo Patrizi Montoro e il castello di Torre in Pietra.... (di Giorgio Tartaro)


Departures - Special Issue - Your Own Private Italy
October 2004 - pg. 132


For an aristocrat's take on the city, Stefano Aluffi Pentini, who runs A Private View of Italy, can arrange visits to private villas and monuments in and outside the city.
(Photo by Pieter Estersohn)  


Gourmet - March 2003, Collector's Edition - pg. 72


Inside Track : In the time of the Grand Tour, a letter was enough for a traveler to be received in the great homes of the continent. A young Italian count, Stefano Aluffi Pentini, revives this tradition with "A Private View of Italy". Using his network of family and friends, he organizes tours of places not open to the public.  A glass of Champagne while viewing the Doria Pamphilj Gallery after hours? A private chamber-music concert in the Palazzo Colonna? Aluffi-Pentini can arrange it all. - January 2002

In the 18th century, the nobleman or scholar, seeking to educate himself about a European country’s cultural life, would take a Grand Tour, traveling with a presentation letter from a prominent person to be received in the finest houses—architectural edifices with superb art and antique collections and pedigree. These days, one only need contact Stefano Aluffi-Pentini in Italy to see the great, private historic houses of Rome, Sicily, Veneto or Venice, Florence, Naples, Bologna and Tuscany.


Four Seasons - Hotel and Resort Magazine - Fall 1999 - pg. 36


Italy's bounty of riches doesn't stop with its public museums and churches.  But to see the treasures of private Italy - the castles and villas of its aristocracy - you'll need the help of Count Stefano Aluffi Pentini, a well-connected art historian. He'll open the doors to such splendors as the Palazzo Borghese in Artena, once the family residence of Napoleon's sister, Paolina Bonaparte Borghese, and the Palazzo Colonna in Rome, which belongs to the one of Italy's oldest and noblest families.


Vogue Deutsch - Juli 1999 - pg. 78

Exklusive Einblicke : Stefano Aluffi Pentini zeigt Ihnen Italien, wie es kein Tourist zu sehen bekommt: Prachtvolle private Herrenhäuser und Adelspaläste sind Ziele seiner außergewöhnlichen Veneto-, Toskana- und Rom-Touren. Jederzeit möglich: individuelle Arrangements, die auch Besichtigungen öffentlicher Palazzi einschließen 


Departures - May/June 1999 - pg. 197-219

The glory that is Rome, spurred on by an energetic mayor and the impending year 2000 jubilee, the city has embarked on a monumental program of restoration and revival...
.... A PRIVATE VIEW OF ITALY - A member himself of Italy's tight knit aristocratic class, Count Stefano Aluffi-Pentini has entreé to the gardens, palaces, and castles of his noble friends and acquaintances.  And that is the foundation of his business, A Private View of Italy.  They can arrange almost whatever itinerary a client desires - dinner at the Palazzo Colonna, one of the finest palaces in Rome; after-hours cocktails while viewing the Doria Pamphilj Gallery, Italy's most important private art collection (see The Italy We Love, Departures September/October 1997); a private concert in the Palazzo Barberini in Palestrina.  They can also customize a luxury week (including hotels, transportation, guides) tailored to one's interests - the Baroque period, rare libraries, the decorative arts.  Price depends on itinerary.
 (by Jo Durden-Smith, photographed by Pieter Estersohn)


Departures - May/June 1999 - pg. 232

Palazzo Colonna: A Roman palazzo is an architectural flourish of trumpets. The city's great ones, such as the palazzi Doria Pamphilj and Farnese, command imposing piazzas or rise up foursquare, flush with a major thoroughfare. The great exception is one of Rome's oldest, largest, and most sumptuous palaces - the Palazzo Colonna. This sprawling bulk of private apartments, reception halls, including the sala della Fontana (picture), chapels, and outbuildings, the seat of the mighty Colonna family for almost a millennium, crouches behind high walls lined with quotidian shops in the Piazza SS. Apostoli.....For a private tour, including a visit to the Sala della Fontana, contact A Private View of Italy ...(by Gary Walther, photographed by Pieter Estersohn)


Holland Herald - KLM - April 1999 - pg. 9

Escape the crowds in Rome and find yourself in a secluded Renaissance Palazzo, which is still a family home and off-limits to casual visitors.
Charming Stefano Aluffi-Pentini, owner of the company A Private View of Italy, will organize a personal tailor-made itinerary for you, taking in historic buildings, which are normally closed to the public and led by an art historian.
Based on the idea of the 18th century Grand Tour, a private tour of Italy offers exclusive access to historical buildings in Rome, Tuscany and Veneto - such as Palazzo Colonna in Rome, with its collection of works by Poussin and Tintoretto. "Every tour is different" says Aluffi-Pentini.
But you do need to contact him well in advance, and high prices are best suited to groups of 10 or more. 


Lufthansa Magazin - 2/99 - pg. 43

Stefano Aluffi-Pentini is the man who makes it possible: Receptions in the private quarters of Paduan palazzos, in Venetian villas and castles in Siena. "A Private View of Italy" is an exclusive program designed especially to give small groups just that.


Condé Nast Traveler - TOP 100 World's Best
November 1998 - pg. 90


If you've ever been herded through the Sistine Chapel or braved the crowds in St. Mark's Square, you may feel the need for A Private View of Italy. Which is just what Stefano Aluffi Pentini provides. The young businessman organizes art historian-led trips  to historic private residences in Rome and the Veneto. In a spirit reminiscent of the Grand Tour, visitors can wander through spectacular centuries-old buildings normally closed to the public - from papal chapels to Palladian villas.


Town & Country - October 1998 - pg. 120

Given the Italian aristocracy's centuries-long tradition of personal patronage, there's probably more great art in private hands in Italy than in museums and galleries - but the public rarely gets to see it. Now, a new tour company, A Private View of Italy, can unlock the doors to magnificent villas and palazzi that house these hidden treasures. "The idea is to revive the spirit of the grand tour", says Count Stefano Aluffi-Pentini, the well connected young Italian who starter the company.... (by Roland Flamini)


Museart Voyages - n. 85 - Septembre 1998 - pg. 75-79

Depuis des siècles, la noblesse romaine a l'habitude de prendre ses quartiers d'été hors de la capitale. Visite chez la Princesse...
... La clé des palais. La plupart des palais romains, encore occupés par les familles d'origine ou rachetés par des sociétés, ne sont pas visitables. La société A Private View of Italy, créée il y a quelques années par Stefano Aluffi-Pentini, a pourtant décidé de faire revivre les émois du Grand Tour. A l'époque, au XVIIIème siècle, il ne fallait au voyageur éclairé qu'une lettre d'introduction pour découvrir les intérieurs les plus splendides... Les programmes sur mesure, avec hébergement en hotel de luxe, réceptions et concerts privés, s'adressent principalement aux groupes et aux entreprises. (par Pascal Marchetti-Leca - photos Thierry Borredon)


Sette - Corriere della Sera - Maggio 1998 - pg. 181


Dedicato a chi ama ricevere con stile e discrezione, offrendo ai propri ospiti il piacere di itinerari in antiche dimore di Roma e della campagna veneta, altrimenti chiuse al pubblico. Un pranzo nel Casino dell'Aurora Pallavicini.Un concerto negli appartamenti privati di Palazzo Colonna. Un ricevimento tra le architetture del Palladio nella Villa Pisani di Bagnolo, o sotto le logge di Villa Emo Capodilista a Montecchia. Eventi cosi li organizza "A Private View of Italy" diretta da Stefano Aluffi-Pentini, che presenta alle aziende italiane un programma di altissimo prestigio per l'organizzazione di serate, pranzi o cene.Tra i suoi clienti, la National Gallery di Washington, la World Monuments Fund, i Patrons of the Art of Vatican Museums. Assistenza dettagliata per prenotazioni voli, alberghi, ristoranti, minibus, servizio limousine. (Laura Leonelli)


Departures - September/October 1997
Special Issue "The Italy We Love" - pg. 88


Highly recommended: Count Giordano Emo-Capodilista's private tours of villas not open to the public. (He can also arrange tea, cocktails, or dinner with the owners). Tours are tailored for two to 30, and usually start near Padua. He can also arrange private tours of the public villas. - Contact A Private View of Italy.   (by M.M.)


Departures - September/October 1997
Special Issue "The Italy We Love" - pg. 174


Roman aristocrat and art historian Stefano Aluffi-Pentini uses his network of friends and relations in the nobility to create itineraries of painting, architecture, decorative arts, or gardens suited to the tastes of his clients. You could visit the state apartments of Palazzo Sacchetti in Via Giulia, one of the finest Renaissance palaces in Rome, entering through the elegant garden of the Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi, accross from the Quirinal (President's) Palace. It's famous for Guido Reni's ceiling fresco Aurora (1613). In the afternoon, you might want to take a look at Renaissance architect Baldassarre Peruzzi's famous courtyard at the Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne - but from the terrace of one of the private apartments of the princes Massimo. Price depends on number on number of participants and itinerary. (by M.M.)


Departures - September/October 1997
Special Issue "The Italy We Love" - pg. 180


Princess Claudia Ruspoli can also arrange a six-day luxury itinerary in northern Lazio, visiting treasures from ancient Etruscan times to the Renaissance, and including repasts at the historic homes of her friends, people like Prince Giovanni del Drago and Countess Verde Visconti. - Contact A Private View of Italy.  (by M.M.)


Town & Country - April 1997 - pg. 150

Best way to go behind closed doors: Art historian Count Stefano Aluffi Pentini and his partner Count Giordano Emo Capodilista arrange tours, meals and accomodations at some of the city's most amazing palazzi and art collections through A Private View of Italy. (by Miriam Murphy)